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This is #ProjectNomad
A man and his dog, looking for a better path.
Our Recent Posts
#GetOutside: Pacific Rim National Park, Vancouver Island
I'm intending for #GetOutside to be a recurring series of posts about my ventures into the wilderness. This week's instalment takes us to...
Fat Dog Fitness Club
The vet chose her words carefully. "Does she get lots of treats?" she asked, as she studied Lucy's hindquarters. "I mean, how often is...
#GetOutside: Rescue At Sea
This week's instalment of #GetOutside takes place in remote Kyuquot Sound on the northwestern coast of Vancouver Island, where I was...
Feels Like Home
Location: Vancouver, BC Miles: 5000+ Morale: Undaunted Munchies: Bob Likes Thai Food In many ways it was surprisingly simple, driving...
#GetOutside - The Golden Hinde (4)
I'm intending for #GetOutside to be a recurring series of posts about my ventures into the wilderness. This is the fourth, and the final...
#GetOutside - The Golden Hinde (3)
I'm intending for #GetOutside to be a recurring series of posts about my ventures into the wilderness. This is the third part in my trip...
#GetOutside: The Golden Hinde (2)
I'm intending for #GetOutside to be a recurring series of posts about my ventures into the wilderness. This is the second, and the second...
Travels With Lucy: Over The Crow
Read the previous entry in this series here. January 4, 2018: Lucy and I woke up in Cranbrook, BC, in our first-floor room at the Lazy...
#GetOutside: The Golden Hinde (1)
I'm intending for #GetOutside to be a recurring series of posts about my ventures into the wilderness. This is the first. Last September...
Travels With Lucy: Van to Cran
January 3, 2018: Lucy is not a dog who enjoys Great Adventures. This is a shame, because her dad surely does. It's funny; when I adopted...
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